Thursday, August 22, 2024

Captain's Library UNCANNY X-MEN "Madness in MurderWorld" Paragon Manual GamePlay Information here are the character files from the game's manual, including specific combat moves for playable characters.
Here's the X-Men, curiously without Kitty Pryde, who was the focal character of the animated Pryde of the X-Men pilot!
And now, the (non-playable) Brotherhood of Terrorist Mutants, with a few additional members not seen in Pryde of the X-Men...
There's an entire channel on YouTube dedicated to this game's various versions!
Click HERE to Enjoy the Extremely Retro Graphics and Music!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Captain's Library UNCANNY X-MEN "Madness in MurderWorld" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

While the X-Men are kept occupied by a squad of Sentinels in Manhattan, Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists attack Xavier's School for Gifted Children, capture Professor X and steal vital components from Cerebro.
The team, alarmed when Professor Xavier breaks telepathic contact abruptly, defeat the robots and hustle back to the X-Mansion to find...
And on that note, we present some info from the game's manual...
Want to see the manual's character profiles?
Be Here Tomorrow!

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Not the comic book!
Nor the floppies and packaging from the game itself!
Nor any of the promo items, including the t-shirt or posters!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Captain's Library UNCANNY X-MEN "Madness in MurderWorld" Part 1

Because it was based on elements from the animated pilot X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men...
...this never-reprinted, limited-edition comic book which serves as a prologue to playing the game is presented as the final contribution to our summer-long "Time-Lost" RetroBlogs Blogathon!

To Be Continued Tomorrow!
Written by Danny Fingeroth, penciled by Mark Bagley and inked by Keith Williams, the comic offers potential Easter Eggs throughout which can be utilized as stratagems against the bad guys in the game itself!
Support Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
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Not the comic book!
Not the floppies or packaging from the game itself!
Not any of the promo items, including the t-shirt or posters!