Friday, October 1, 2021

Captain's Library THE ADDAMS FAMILY "Visit to Fun City" Conclusion

...the Addams Family pause in their cross-country journey to stay overnight in New York City's Central Park.
They encounter Benny and Ripoff, two disreputable sorts who perceive the Addamses to be "easy marks"!
Ignoring the extremely-improbable coincidence of having that particular document stuffed into Gomez's sleeve, there's two totally-ridiculous aspects to the letter!
1) Central Park wasn't even conceived until 1840, as the city of Manhattan grew northward!
So there's no way a First Nations chief in 1626 could have known of it!
2) "Powhattan" was Pocahontas' Virginia!
We don't know the name of the Native American chief who sold Manhattan Island!

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